Rotary Peace Poles

Rotary Peace Poles Project

Rotary International  and its members have a long history of promoting peace and working to address the underlying causes of conflict in communities around the world. There are 7 Rotary Peace Centres in Universities around the world where over 2000 + Rotary Peace Scholars have undertaken Post Graduate studies and are now employed in the UN, Government Departments, NGO organisations and working in communities in resolving conflict.


Rotary Oceania ( ROZops Ltd) is encouraging clubs to reach a goal of 100 Peace Poles throughout New Zealand and the Pacific Islands to promote Rotary’s commitment to World Peace. It is also a cost-effective way for our Rotary Brand to be more visible in public places.


Where can you erect them ?

In Parks, Gardens, Schools, Conference Centres, Youth Centres, Shopping Malls, Churches, Sports Stadiums, and at any Rotary project that has a public profile. In some cases you may need to consult with your local Councils, Community Boards and others for permission.


What do they Cost ?

The vinyl plaques cost AU $ 23.00 + GST each plus postage. ( As at 2024 )

Every pole requires 5 plaques, 1 for each side and 1 with the club logo & name, pole number and a peace dove. See the images attached.  


You will need to purchase a piece of timber which is approximately      x      and paint it before attaching the vinyl plaques. A metal frame can be attached to the bottom and cemented into the hole which should be approximately xxxx  deep or it can be a longer pole and directly cemented into the hole. Make sure it is secured well to deter any vandalism.


Where can I buy the plaques and who is the contact?

Email: ( Peter Clapinski) who has a professional set up including all the templates with many languages to select.  He will send you proof before you commit to your order.


How can I pay for the plaques?

Peter will send you an invoice with his banking details in Bendigo, Australia.





Peace poles  are monuments that carry a powerful message. Let me share some interesting details about them:

  1. What is a Peace Pole?

  • Multilingual Messages:

    • The central message, “May Peace Prevail on Earth,” is displayed in the language of the country where the pole is placed.

    • Additionally, peace poles usually feature translations in 3 to 13 other languages.

    • These messages often serve as a reminder of our shared desire for peace.

  • Global Spread:

    • Since the first peace poles were constructed outside Japan in 1983, over 200,000 have been placed around the world in nearly 200 countries.

    • They can be found in various locations, including the north magnetic pole, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, the Egyptian pyramids in Giza, and the Aiki Shrine in Iwama, Japan.

    • Notably, peace poles are commonly installed at high-profile public gathering places, such as community parks, church entrances, and school campuses.

  • Materials and Design:

    • Peace poles are made from diverse materials, including wood, limestone, copper, plastic, and stainless steel.

    • The text may be painted, carved, etched, welded, or attached as a plaque.

    • Some peace poles are carefully crafted by artists or sculptors.

    • To avoid religious connotations, the word “prayer” is sometimes omitted, ensuring compliance with zoning restrictions.

  • Inspiration and Purpose:

    • The inspiration for planting a peace pole often arises in response to local historic hate crimes, incidents, or issues.

    • It is a reminder that people want a world free of conflict and war.

  • Virtual Global Peace Pole Map:

  • Remember, these peace poles serve as a beautiful testament to our shared aspiration for a more peaceful world.  🌍✌️ 3   🕊️