Insurance & Risk Management


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Is there a copy of the reminder instructions for 2025?

Craig Horrocks

Yes - please see below

Dear Rotarian/Rotaractor


This email starts the insurance renewal process for your Rotary Organisation at:



Insurance of our Oceania Clubs, their Club trusts, Districts, independent trusts and other Rotary organisations (OREs) has been placed by agreement between the insurer, Chubb, the broker, AON, and the Zone (region) 8 Insurance Protection Committee.

Administration is provided by AON, our Oceania team of insurance officers and ROZops.

AON is our appointed broker for the whole of Zone 8. Clubs and Club trusts cannot opt out and appoint another broker unless there is a specific reason why AON cannot act. 

AON has been serving Rotary in Zone 8 for over 18 years. Insurance organised with another broker without consent from the Zone Insurance team causes a breach in terms of our appointment. There are rare cases where another broker may need to be appointed but that process is handled by the Zone 8 Insurance team. If you have questions on this those can be raised at the Zoom meetings or by filing a Helpdesk ticket at

The current policies expire on 31 December 2024.

This email sets out the requirements for Oceania Rotary Entities (OREs) to be covered under the polices.

The Renewal Process, Timetable and Help


As the officer nominated to complete your Rotary organisations renewal, you start by logging in to the website – see login instructions section below

you then can either complete the online form, called an InfoSheet OR

if there needs to be a change to another member to complete the InfoSheet ADD that member as an Administrator for your Rotary Organisation – see the How TO below and the video at On ADDING a new Administrator that person will have a login setup automatically. The login details will be sent to that member at the email address you supply. The insurance team will be advised of the change. The Administrator must be an officer of your Rotary organisation. Any queries on this are to be logged via a Helpdesk ticket.

The status for this task is tracked. If you do not login your Rotary organisation’s insurance status could result in your Rotary organisation not having insurance cover. Being insured is a Rotary requirement for the Club to retain its charter.

On completion of the InfoSheet, the information is sent for review by the insurance team and, after review, the information will be forwarded to our broker AON. AON, in turn, uses the information to negotiate the terms for renewal of the policies.


Learning and development open Zoom sessions will be run on 25th and 26th September – see details below.

Any Helpdesk requests should be made as soon as possible.

Go to

Otherwise the timetable for completing the InfoSheet is by 20 October 2024.

The time to complete can range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Extra time will be needed if you have issues that need to be recorded as Notifications, such as complaints from the public. Complaints need to be reviewed for disclosure to the insurer of a potential claim. The insurance team needs time to do that.

The Zone (region) 8 Insurance Protection Committee and AON will work through late October to complete an Underwriting Submission – essentially a negotiating document that provides all the information to our insurer, Chubb.

During November AON will lead negotiations renewal terms.

Once terms for renewal are finalised the levies can be set and advised.


We have had requests for assistance:

How to – Zoom sessions have been set up and will cover:
(a) a recorded demonstration of “how to” login and complete which you can re-run if needed

Zoom details:
[check for latest sessions]

Agenda :-
(a) FAQs and Tips and Tricks
(b) your questions

Login issues - if you have a login issue please file a Helpdesk ticket

so that can be actioned for you.

Requests to change the officer nominated to complete: this process is set out below

Requests for assistance to complete the InfoSheet- if you need further assistance please file a Helpdesk ticket (see link below) . An Insurance Officer team member will be allocated, you will be contacted and provided with the assistance you need.

If you need help please file a Helpdesk ticket.

HelpDesk tickets are filed at 

The insurance covers/policies

The policies covering Rotary entities that are societies are what are known as ‘associations policies’ and general liability covers.

Those 2 policies work together to insure your Club, Club Trust and/or District against claims that might be made if a mistake or other party complains about how things are run, documented or are caught up in say a cyber attack.

The formal policy covers in place for 2024 are:

Forefront Associations Cover
A) Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Coverage Section
B) Employment Practices Liability Coverage Section
C) Miscellaneous Professional Liability Coverage Section
D) Crime Coverage Section
E) Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion Coverage Section
F) Cyber Coverage Section
G) Statutory Liability Coverage Section
H) Employers’ Liability Coverage Section
K) Umbrella Defence Costs Coverage Section
Global Guard General Liability Cover
General Liability Coverage Section
Public and Products Liability Coverage Section


Note these covers may change on renewal. Any changes will be advised to you before finalising issue of the policy.

Again you must complete the InfoSheet and Declaration to have your Club or other Rotary entity registered on the Certificate of Insurance.

To prepare for completing the InfoSheet and Declaration, please ensure that you have:

  1. your income or revenue figures for last financial year and this year forecast as this is required for the Associations Cover – this does not need to be exact – please enter to the closest $5000

  2. your Club Constitution saved so you can upload it

  3. your Club trust deed of trust saved so you can upload it

You will be asked to allocate your income across activities.

The insurer needs this to understand the risk associated with your Rotary entity’s activities.

Do not worry about precision on allocating the income/revenue to activities, a rough % is all that is needed e.g. membership dues are say 15% of your Rotary entities income.

You will also be offered the opportunity to seek a quote for cover for your Club and Club trust assets.





First, if you have not started before this email your username is:

[[UserName]] - this is only provided through the email sent from the system

To visit login page use below url:-

You may save and exit the InfoSheet process at any time and then re- enter the site using the user name and your password.

You can reset you password on the login page using the Password reset button.

Then, you are presented with the InfoSheet. That form displays in what is called an accordion style. Each topic bar opens and closes when you click on the bars. You can safely click on the bars to see the questions under each topic.

When you have completed the InfoSheet you will be able to press the NEXT button and proceed to the next stage. The stages are shown at the top of the web page.

Quotes On completing the InfoSheet, you will be brought to your Quote. NOTE the premium values will be $0.00. as the premium will be paid by the District and your Rotary entity will be levied by your District.

If you are seeking the extra insurance cover for Club Assets that process will be followed up by email and calls.

Payment – to be clear, premiums are payable by District and no payment is required until your Rotary entity is levied.

Declaration - you must complete the Declaration section to submit to get your District's or Club's insurance certificate with the District's or Club's name noted on the certificate. That certificate can then be produced to other parties that want proof of insurance such as venue operators, councils etc.

That certificate will be sent out once renewal is confirmed.


LOGIN and click on the bar Insured/Named Parties

ADD the replacement officer to complete as an Administrator


File a Helpdesk ticket if you are unsure.
